Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer time, Hunger Games, Road Trips

Hello friends!

I know I know... I haven't written a blog post just about my trip to Jamaica yet, as promised. After coming home from that trip, I was preparing for finals, graduation, and moving home. On top of that, there was RUF Summer Conference and saying goodbye to all of my closest friends.

God has really given me a content heart through all of these huge changes in my life. I think I get so nervous about things changing and people moving on that I usually see it in a negative way. I got to know people this semester that I think will be a part of my life for a really long time. I had constant support and prayer from people who really love me and I see God's hand in all of my friendships. Not only did I get this from my USF pals, I got it from my family and long lost friends here at home in Ormond Beach. Relationships were rekindled the first weekend I was even home. A really good friend of mine, Nikki, called me up and told me she was driving to Savannah, GA the next day to see our friends in their show. Naturally I said yes to that proposition and the next day, we took a little road trip. Hopefully this won't be my only road trip this summer (that's all I'm saying about that).
I've also gotten back in touch with people I used to be close friends with in high school like Mitch and Sarah Adams. A group of us have been having "Taco Nights" and all I can say about those nights are that they aren't something you want to miss ;)

Since I've been home, most of my time is spent helping in any way I can around the house, job hunt, and lounge! I love the lounging part ;) I recently read a book series called "The Hunger Games" and I fell madly in love with the lead got to be ridiculous and I forced Miranda and Danielle to join me in reading the books. Now, though I hate to admit this, I'm flying through the Gossip Girl books. I'M SORRY. I know how horrible they are, they're just like a soap opera though and since my mom's favorite soap opera, Guiding Light, got canceled, this feels familiar haha.

I'm not sure where God is leading me because I still don't have a job and I'm not 100% sure of where I'm supposed to go to church (now that I really love the whole Presbyterian denomination), but everyone who I've gotten a chance to talk to here has been a wonderful source of encouragement. I never thought I would say it, because I'm stubborn, but it feels good to be home.