Thursday, April 15, 2010


Everyone changes...its inevitable. We're only where we are for that moment, and then that minute, that second is gone.
Friendships change, relationships's alarming.

I think of myself as a blessed person, who may not have it all together, but knows what's important.
I'm not happy all the time, but does that make me an unhappy person?

And how can one make observations of another person's life if they, being both parties, practically don't talk for months?

I mean to say, am I living outwardly what I'm really feeling inwardly? What is being projected to people around me? I get tired. I feel like I constantly have to have a smile on my face, or a thousand explanation points at the end of my text messages for people to think I'm "okay". It's

I keep typing things and erasing them because I keep contradicting myself. Isn't that human nature? We believe one thing and do another. I admit--I've got plenty of flaws. I break my own rules, I break God's rules. I need help, but only God can provide that.

Did you know that Jesus Christ cast out SEVEN demons from Mary Magdalene? Seven. What a tormented soul. It's amazing what kind of life she lived. She was the only person of Christ's disciples who stayed at his entire crucifixion. She was also the very first person that Jesus revealed himself to after he was resurrected. That's incredible. But before this life of loyalty and devotion to Christ, she was lost. I read in John Maccarthurs book, "Twelve Extraordinary Women" that Mary Magdalene had tried to cast out the first demon but they kept coming back, because she wasn't saved in the first place. She didn't trust in the Lord to take care of it, she was doing it on her own. And it wasn't sufficient.
This can be said about our own sins, our own demons per say. We try to cast them out ourselves but they always come back, mutated, disguised. Only Jesus can really put them to death.

I have flaws. I change. I have mood swings; bad and happy days. So do you. With Christ, though, He says His burden is light and His yolk is easy. Can't we just trust that?

1 comment:

Katie said...

Thank you for blogging about this. I feel this way too!

Thank you for preparing for bible study each week too, you've done such a good job.