Sunday, December 6, 2009

is this something I just have to get "used" to?

I don't want to live here anymore.
I want to move somewhere where people don't care this much about sports and politics.
People love Obama more than they love Jesus. People love Lady Gaga more than they love Jesus. People love sports more than they love Jesus.

The list is endless, and you know what, we're all guilty of it too. Whether we live it habitually or we have a fleeting moment where we are so consumed with whatever it is that we are idolizing, we forget that we're supposed to be Ambassador's of Christ.

*funny footnote, my firefox says that Obama isn't a word, it's spell checking it haha.

I'm blogging on a Sunday morning because I'd like to share in all honesty that I'm thankful. I'm thankful that when I woke up this morning my thought wasn't about Tim Tebow crying last night. My first thought was not about how irritating everybody was on facebook about defending him and fighting their friends for finding any entertainment in it.

My first thought was, "wow. it's Sunday...i want to sleep in but you know what, I get to PRAISE GOD with a body of believers this morning."
I THANK GOD that He gave me that joy, even though I'm super tired and it's wayyyy too cold for Tampa, Florida.

I want all of my mornings to start that way regardless of whether or not it's a Sunday morning.

<3 rachel

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