Monday, August 2, 2010

Mr. Empanada

Today was an exceptional Monday. I woke up late, always a great feeling...met up with Jeff Lee at Panera and had a pleasant chat about RUF coming up this fall. I'm so excited about this semester. My one concern is the amount of hours I'll be working and if they'll give me any of the days off I ask for when it comes to RUF events. I feel like I have the rest of my life to work, but only two semesters of RUF left.

After that, Eli and I went to Mr. Empanada and ate a late lunch/dinner. No, I'm not a piggy. I actually didn't get anything from Panera when I was there, so I was legitimately hungry at 3pm when we went to get our delicious empanada's. I ordered the beef and cheese and then the guava with cream cheese...mmmmm. I'm afraid that the business won't be around for long though because I never see anybody in there and they're getting stingier on their meal deals (so they probably can't afford to give us good deals anymore).

One a completely different topic of my choosing, I look like a burn victim as of late. I don't know what the heck is going on with my skin, but the skin around the inside of my elbows is drastically lighter than the rest of my arms and it looks like I was severely burned there or something but I definitely wasn't...I look weird and I found this cool sparkle make-up stuff that covers it well but I don't know why it's happening.

Another random topic: I really hate complainers. I vent....a lot. But some people only find the negative things to talk about and it gets on my nerves, especially when these people are Christians. DO YOU REALLY HAVE NOTHING TO BE THANKFUL FOR??? I catch myself often getting upset about my work schedule at Wal-Mart, but hello Rachel, you were begging for God to provide you with work just over 3 months ago. So right now, I think you and I both should think about how God has provided for us, continually...even in ways that we didn't see coming.

I am now going to hit the hay and wake up for an awesome 8 hour shift tomorrow.
<3 rach

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