Friday, July 30, 2010


I love that while I'm always working, or at least it feels like it, I have time to do fun things. Last night Eli and I drove to Orlando to see some of our friends play in their new band. It was their very first show so it's cool that we got to go see them. We ended up eating out at Steak N Shake and I don't know if I'll ever eat there again. My burger was so unbelievably greasy. The grease dripped from the patty onto my plate and after congealing to the plate and to the far from fresh lettuce I picked off my burger, it hardened. I stared at it for a while and I thought about it running through and sticking to my arteries. Today, I stuck to fruits and a salad for lunch and for dinner I cooked my own chicken and some rice. I feel better already, actually.

I feel that I have a problem that I'd like to address. I feel that it's a serious issue.

Okay, okay so this isn't really a serious issue, except that our economy is flopping and I can't stop thinking about buying cute little candles or movies, or lamps. THINGS I DON'T NEED!
Thank goodness the Lord is somehow keeping me from buying all of these things right now, but it's still a temptation. I think Stacy giving me the table, chair and soon rug, it's holding me off for now. I think I just love decorating and buying new things to fill the apartment.

I am also currently obsessed with pretzel M&M's. Have you tried them yet? You need to. Eli and I ate most of them while at the movie theater the other night.

What do you guys think of my new background? I'm not absolutely crazy about it like I was my other one with the adorable pink flowers around both sides...but apparently the site I was using didn't realize that some of their backgrounds weren't permanent on

I'm done blogging for the night because HGTV is on ;)


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