You know when something funny happens to you and you don't really laugh at it until hours later?
Today in my french conversation class, one of the groups presenting handed out chocolate truffles (yummy) at the end of their presentation. One of the girls that sits a few rows over apparently has never had a truffle before. She popped the tiny ball of glory into her mouth, and basically gagged because she wasn't expecting the mushy amazingness in the middle of the milk chocolate ball. I'm laughing now because at the time...I'm going to admit, I was a little upset that a truffle would go so wasted like that.
I had one of my more embarrassing moments today. My stomach was really upset and I searched around several floors in the Marshall Center for an empty bathroom and when I found one, it was like a bomb went off in my bowels. It was AWEFUL. and before I could do a courtesy flush, two older women came in. Of the 30 or so stalls they could have chosen to pee in, they walked all the way to the back corner where I was and went next to me. The one who was directly to my right was making noises like she was suffering not to smell my poop...noises like, "wheww... mmmm ughh"
well. excuse me for going to the bathroom IN THE BATHROOM. I tried to find an empty one. It's better that I crap in there and not all over myself elsewhere haha.
So I waited it out until they were done whispering about how smelly my poop is, and then I walked as fast as I could away from the Marshall Center hoping the women didn't recognize me by my shoes.
c'est tout pour aujourd'hui.
<3 rachel

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Annotated What?
I'm currently working on my annotated bibliography for my American Literature class...I was supposed to have chosen 3 sources that are not biographical on either Ernest Hemingway or F. Scott Fitzgerald...I chose Hemingway. I, being an idiot, chose a book that seems a little too biographical. Great. Awesome. Splendid. I can't wait to explain this one. I'm only allowed one online source so it's not like I can just search for another one while I'm sitting here on this lovely pleather couch in my cozy apartment. Maybe she won't notice?
Today, however, was an excellent Sunday. Nicole came to Holy Trinity Presbyterian with us and the sermon was about marriage and how it's merely just a parable for Christ loving and marrying the Church. It makes you wonder why we even get married in the first place when our earthly marriage includes so much selfishness and fighting but we are reminded of God's grace and its efficiency. I hope I get to marry Eli :)
Current annoyance: this so-called "project" I have to do for my French Conversation's rubbish. I don't want to do it.
I better get back to this buttload of reading/writing/analyzing.
gooooodnight. <3 rachel
Today, however, was an excellent Sunday. Nicole came to Holy Trinity Presbyterian with us and the sermon was about marriage and how it's merely just a parable for Christ loving and marrying the Church. It makes you wonder why we even get married in the first place when our earthly marriage includes so much selfishness and fighting but we are reminded of God's grace and its efficiency. I hope I get to marry Eli :)
Current annoyance: this so-called "project" I have to do for my French Conversation's rubbish. I don't want to do it.
I better get back to this buttload of reading/writing/analyzing.
gooooodnight. <3 rachel
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Still Sick
I'm still sick, but I can't say I haven't been crazy busy this week trying to make up for lost time.
I got another A on my french composition so that was a really nice surprise. Whatever I'm doing for that class, I'm doing it right apparently.
Last night was "girls night" at Stacy's. She has the cutest apartment! I kind of wish I lived alone sometimes but I know I'm not ready for that. I'm SUCH a scaredy cat hahah.
Eli and I haven't been fighting for a really long time and of course last night I got a little too frustrated and over emotional at him. I hate being this way so much. It sucks because I know God's working in my life and taking alot of this problem away but my sin is still very active and real in my day to day life. It's just so hard living with it.
Today I will be in the library, slaving away at homework. I have to do an annotated bibliography just 3 sources for American Lit. I have to finish reading the last half of "To Have and Have Not"....UGHHHH. I have another french composition to compose by Monday. I have a whole powerpoint about Haiti to put together but thats due Wednesday...that presentation though will be given IN FRENCH. yikes. I probably also have some reading to do before Ira's class on Tuesday and I have to start writing my main project for that class rather soon.
Alot of this is just a mental note for me.
I got another A on my french composition so that was a really nice surprise. Whatever I'm doing for that class, I'm doing it right apparently.
Last night was "girls night" at Stacy's. She has the cutest apartment! I kind of wish I lived alone sometimes but I know I'm not ready for that. I'm SUCH a scaredy cat hahah.
Eli and I haven't been fighting for a really long time and of course last night I got a little too frustrated and over emotional at him. I hate being this way so much. It sucks because I know God's working in my life and taking alot of this problem away but my sin is still very active and real in my day to day life. It's just so hard living with it.
Today I will be in the library, slaving away at homework. I have to do an annotated bibliography just 3 sources for American Lit. I have to finish reading the last half of "To Have and Have Not"....UGHHHH. I have another french composition to compose by Monday. I have a whole powerpoint about Haiti to put together but thats due Wednesday...that presentation though will be given IN FRENCH. yikes. I probably also have some reading to do before Ira's class on Tuesday and I have to start writing my main project for that class rather soon.
Alot of this is just a mental note for me.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Lake Placid and Valentine's Day
I feel I need to document everything that happened since it was quite possibly the most fun I've had since winter break.
Some people from RUF were going to Lake Placid this weekend because Jenny's uncle has a house on the lake there and we all wanted a retreat of some sort. Duncan drove his huge van and with him went Dustin, Allen, and Grant. Bucky drove separately, as did Eli, Katie, Nicole and I. My crew left Tampa around 3:30 (a little later than planned) and it was NON STOP rain until we literally pulled into the driveway at the lake house at 6pm. It was a little stressful because I've never driven down any of the back roads in that area before and we took a different route than everyone else because and went through Polk County.
We FINALLY arrived and food was there...which at the time was what I was most excited about hahaha! Everyone ate, talked for a while, and then Jeff lead a study on the Canon of the bible, and how it came about. It was a really intellectual study but everyone seemed to enjoy it because it was so applicable to discussions we have with people every day.
Afterward it was GAMES GALORE. We played Catch Phrase (my team won) we played Outburst, (the other team won) and for a tie breaker we kept the same teams for both games, we played Taboo, andddd my team won :) I really love that game, I don't know why I have never played it before I came to college.
Jeff, Jenny, and Jake went to bed and all of us kids stayed up in the living room laughing and talking and it was such a good time, it really felt like we had a strong community. We played two truths and a lie and everyone did a really good job trying to convince people of the lie...I guess we're all good liars? :)
We girls (nicole, katie and I) went to our room because we said we were tired and going to sleep (this is about 1am) and we ended up talking and keeping the boys up with our loudness til around 3:30!!!!!! We're crazy! haha We got up at 9, some people were up earlier, and Jeff made us pancakes mmmm :) we had devotion time and THEN we were informed we'd be going on a scavenger hunt...around lake placid!
I had heard that there was going to be a scavenger hunt but I was not expecting this. The town is COVERED in wall murals of their town history. We got split into two teams of 3 and one team of 4. Team 1 was Eli, Allen, and Duncan. Team 2 was Grant, Spunde, Nicole, and I. Team 3 was Katie, Bucky, and Dustin. Our job was to run around Lake Placid and find the wall murals that Jeff showed us pictures of...and not only did we have to be IN the picture, we had to ACT OUT what was being portrayed in the mural!!!!! Then there was extra points for each picture you took of a decorated "specialty" garbage can.
We had an hour and a half and it was just chaos running around, mainly on this one long street of this little town. The pictures are on facebook if you want to check them out :)
Team 3 won, Team 2 was a close second, and Team 1 was the only team that found each mural but they came in last due to their lack of garbage can pictures hahah.
We ate lunch, hung around the house...and oh yeah. Meanwhile, this WHOLE TIME, it's been absolutely FREEZING out. Allen decides that for $4.00 he'd be willing to jump in the lake if he had a wet suite. Lo and Behold, we had wet suites! So a few of us pitched in a dollar and he jumped in the lake....freezing cold lake. He screamed a little after he came up from jumping in, fully submerged.
We left there at 3, got home a little after 5:40. All in all, wonderful trip. I love my friends!
THEN Eli took me to see "Valentines Day" last night. It's that movie that looks like its going to be alot like that movie that came out last Valentines Day, "He's Just Not That Into You". I loved that movie and own it on DVD, but "Valentine's Day" was even better! Eli said he liked it too :)
Today, my Valentine and I are pretty sick. I woke up for church and was having a hard time breathing so I called Eli to tell him I couldn't drive him to church and he was just as bad. We might cancel our dinner plans tonight and celebrate later this week but nothing's been fully decided yet.
I love him so much, have I said that yet? I think Eli Johnston is just the sweetest person God could have given me. He was worried about not having anything all prepared for me today...he asked if he'd still be a good boyfriend since he waited until the day off to get me something hahaha he's just so cute. He's the BEST boyfriend in the world, in my opinion. He's understanding, loving, strict with me as well as honest when he feels I'm wrong, and goodness, nobody really does that for me except him! I can trust him whole heartedly (even when there's days I say I can't trust him, I'm lying and just upset). If I wasn't madly in love with him and wanted to marry him someday, he'd be my "maid of honor" hahahaha he's absolutely my bestest friend in the whole world.
now that I'm all mushy, I'm going to get a shower and try to look good for when he comes over later :)
Happy Valentine's Day!
<3 rachel
Some people from RUF were going to Lake Placid this weekend because Jenny's uncle has a house on the lake there and we all wanted a retreat of some sort. Duncan drove his huge van and with him went Dustin, Allen, and Grant. Bucky drove separately, as did Eli, Katie, Nicole and I. My crew left Tampa around 3:30 (a little later than planned) and it was NON STOP rain until we literally pulled into the driveway at the lake house at 6pm. It was a little stressful because I've never driven down any of the back roads in that area before and we took a different route than everyone else because and went through Polk County.
We FINALLY arrived and food was there...which at the time was what I was most excited about hahaha! Everyone ate, talked for a while, and then Jeff lead a study on the Canon of the bible, and how it came about. It was a really intellectual study but everyone seemed to enjoy it because it was so applicable to discussions we have with people every day.
Afterward it was GAMES GALORE. We played Catch Phrase (my team won) we played Outburst, (the other team won) and for a tie breaker we kept the same teams for both games, we played Taboo, andddd my team won :) I really love that game, I don't know why I have never played it before I came to college.
Jeff, Jenny, and Jake went to bed and all of us kids stayed up in the living room laughing and talking and it was such a good time, it really felt like we had a strong community. We played two truths and a lie and everyone did a really good job trying to convince people of the lie...I guess we're all good liars? :)
We girls (nicole, katie and I) went to our room because we said we were tired and going to sleep (this is about 1am) and we ended up talking and keeping the boys up with our loudness til around 3:30!!!!!! We're crazy! haha We got up at 9, some people were up earlier, and Jeff made us pancakes mmmm :) we had devotion time and THEN we were informed we'd be going on a scavenger hunt...around lake placid!
I had heard that there was going to be a scavenger hunt but I was not expecting this. The town is COVERED in wall murals of their town history. We got split into two teams of 3 and one team of 4. Team 1 was Eli, Allen, and Duncan. Team 2 was Grant, Spunde, Nicole, and I. Team 3 was Katie, Bucky, and Dustin. Our job was to run around Lake Placid and find the wall murals that Jeff showed us pictures of...and not only did we have to be IN the picture, we had to ACT OUT what was being portrayed in the mural!!!!! Then there was extra points for each picture you took of a decorated "specialty" garbage can.
We had an hour and a half and it was just chaos running around, mainly on this one long street of this little town. The pictures are on facebook if you want to check them out :)
Team 3 won, Team 2 was a close second, and Team 1 was the only team that found each mural but they came in last due to their lack of garbage can pictures hahah.
We ate lunch, hung around the house...and oh yeah. Meanwhile, this WHOLE TIME, it's been absolutely FREEZING out. Allen decides that for $4.00 he'd be willing to jump in the lake if he had a wet suite. Lo and Behold, we had wet suites! So a few of us pitched in a dollar and he jumped in the lake....freezing cold lake. He screamed a little after he came up from jumping in, fully submerged.
We left there at 3, got home a little after 5:40. All in all, wonderful trip. I love my friends!
THEN Eli took me to see "Valentines Day" last night. It's that movie that looks like its going to be alot like that movie that came out last Valentines Day, "He's Just Not That Into You". I loved that movie and own it on DVD, but "Valentine's Day" was even better! Eli said he liked it too :)
Today, my Valentine and I are pretty sick. I woke up for church and was having a hard time breathing so I called Eli to tell him I couldn't drive him to church and he was just as bad. We might cancel our dinner plans tonight and celebrate later this week but nothing's been fully decided yet.
I love him so much, have I said that yet? I think Eli Johnston is just the sweetest person God could have given me. He was worried about not having anything all prepared for me today...he asked if he'd still be a good boyfriend since he waited until the day off to get me something hahaha he's just so cute. He's the BEST boyfriend in the world, in my opinion. He's understanding, loving, strict with me as well as honest when he feels I'm wrong, and goodness, nobody really does that for me except him! I can trust him whole heartedly (even when there's days I say I can't trust him, I'm lying and just upset). If I wasn't madly in love with him and wanted to marry him someday, he'd be my "maid of honor" hahahaha he's absolutely my bestest friend in the whole world.
now that I'm all mushy, I'm going to get a shower and try to look good for when he comes over later :)
Happy Valentine's Day!
<3 rachel
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Fistful of Glitter in the Air
Currently, and probably always will be, obsessed with P!nk. She's just so awesome...her voice freaking rocks and she's so much truer to herself than most artists are. I watched a documentary of her on E! and she's the bomb. She just doesn't care what other people think of her, she just wants to express what she's feeling and hopes others can relate...I think some songs I just find entertaining, but others I feel I really can relate.
I'm finding that Creative Non-Fiction is the hardest genre. ever. It's terrifying trying to write something that's really happened to you, knowing that whoever reads it is going to know it really happened to you, AND you're supposed to write it with emotional distance. I'm freaking the most emotional person in the world haha. I'm also finding that I'm caught in between fiction and poetry. I don't think I typically write one more than the other. My poetry is kind of fiction-esc. and my fiction has brevity like poetry does.
btw. i just spit fruit snacks juice all over my hand... i'm SLOBBERING these things are so dang good!
<3 rachel
I'm finding that Creative Non-Fiction is the hardest genre. ever. It's terrifying trying to write something that's really happened to you, knowing that whoever reads it is going to know it really happened to you, AND you're supposed to write it with emotional distance. I'm freaking the most emotional person in the world haha. I'm also finding that I'm caught in between fiction and poetry. I don't think I typically write one more than the other. My poetry is kind of fiction-esc. and my fiction has brevity like poetry does.
btw. i just spit fruit snacks juice all over my hand... i'm SLOBBERING these things are so dang good!
<3 rachel
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Tuesdays are THE BOMB
Ordinarily, I'd only have one class today.
I had a hard time waking up this morning but someone I managed. I was going to eat my breakfast, tweak my assignment for non-fiction and go to class that starts at 12:30. I NEVER check my school email in the mornings but I did today because I was procrastinating doing anything productive. My teacher sent out an email saying class was cancelled for today, and you know why that's so awesome? I don't have to do ANYTHING today!!!! hahaha not really though, I have lots of homework.
Another cool fact- I made a 94% on my first french composition for the semester...woohoo!
today's going to be a great day :)
I had a hard time waking up this morning but someone I managed. I was going to eat my breakfast, tweak my assignment for non-fiction and go to class that starts at 12:30. I NEVER check my school email in the mornings but I did today because I was procrastinating doing anything productive. My teacher sent out an email saying class was cancelled for today, and you know why that's so awesome? I don't have to do ANYTHING today!!!! hahaha not really though, I have lots of homework.
Another cool fact- I made a 94% on my first french composition for the semester...woohoo!
today's going to be a great day :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Little Sissy that Snitched.
I don't think tattle tales ever grow out of that habit. I think they always carry that nagging voice inside of them that just wants to throw other people under the bus.
It's really unnerving.
I absolutely can't stand when people volunteer your information, or the information of others just so they have something to say to a specific person. I don't get it. Does this help your ego in some way, for those of you who are like this? Do you want to feel closer to somebody so you just tell them every freaking detail about someone else?
I really don't understand.
I'm venting and I should probably stop here. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed apparently.
I was up pretty late doing homework and I'm paying for it now haha.
please, have a good day today. Don't tell on anybody, mind your own business.
<3 rachel
It's really unnerving.
I absolutely can't stand when people volunteer your information, or the information of others just so they have something to say to a specific person. I don't get it. Does this help your ego in some way, for those of you who are like this? Do you want to feel closer to somebody so you just tell them every freaking detail about someone else?
I really don't understand.
I'm venting and I should probably stop here. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed apparently.
I was up pretty late doing homework and I'm paying for it now haha.
please, have a good day today. Don't tell on anybody, mind your own business.
<3 rachel
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I was doing so well this semester! I hadn't been late once, and I haven't skipped at all. My french conversation professor has missed a class at least once a week and we have the class three times a week so...that's alot of class. I like the professor that we have for a sub so much better than our actual teacher. She's snarky and rude...BUT she sent us an email giving us a heads up that she won't be in class tomorrow and we'll have a sub because she has some conference to go to. Whenever we have the substitute we do absolutely nothing but go around the classroom reading from the textbook and personally I think that's a waste of my time. Therefore, I'm not going. Hence, the first class I am skipping for Spring Semester 2010 is French Convo I.
I've recently downloaded several songs composed by John Williams off of itunes. If you don't know who that is, he is the guy who wrote the music for ET, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Memoirs of a Geisha, Superman, Jaws...need I say more? He's amazing. I blare the music in my car on the way to school and I feel like I'm flying, or in some grand journey hahah.
Family's coming tomorrow, I'm SO excited :) We're going to dinner at Cheesecake Factory and if you know me at all, you know I'm freaking out about the cheesecake part of the deal haha.
anyways, goodnight!
I've recently downloaded several songs composed by John Williams off of itunes. If you don't know who that is, he is the guy who wrote the music for ET, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Memoirs of a Geisha, Superman, Jaws...need I say more? He's amazing. I blare the music in my car on the way to school and I feel like I'm flying, or in some grand journey hahah.
Family's coming tomorrow, I'm SO excited :) We're going to dinner at Cheesecake Factory and if you know me at all, you know I'm freaking out about the cheesecake part of the deal haha.
anyways, goodnight!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
My Man's THE Man
ohhh i love him so much :)
i feel so giddy just thinking about him. its crazy because we've been dating for OVER a year and seven months. there are days im just not so jazzed about eli because we fall into the same habits for seeing each other. i make dinner. we watch tv. i give him massage. he rubs my feet. end scene.
but then there are days im just so overwhelmed with how much i care about him. actually this feels more like a diary that im writing in...i just noticed im not using caps or apostrophes.
am i allowed to just say whatever i want on this? there's SO much i'd love to just dive into and discuss...and even vent about but im not sure who's reading this and im not sure who all i'd offend. it's nothing crazy bad, but im a little peeved about something. i love my boyfriend, and because i love him, im a little protective of flirty girls. it makes me uncomfortable and i'd prefer for there not to be certain lines crossed. ordinarily, they're not because eli's the best and not a very flirty person as is...but i feel like some girls are just so....i dont even know the word to describe it. i think im better off just stopping there.
you know the saying, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"? i think thats so true. or half true. i think people think they have good intentions but impure motivations. i grew up hearing all about the sinful nature of men and i totally believe it. but i think because some people are careless in their words and actions, they don't know that they have impure motives or intentions and it gets them in alot of trouble.
i wrote a poem this week to be workshopped...and its about zombies. i knowwww it's so crazy weird. i hate zombie movies, they leave me confused and hollow. but i think the poem is good because its about a crazy person more than zombies.
i don't have any real pressing homework tonight so i didn't even blog because i was procrastinating---yay me!
that's all for now i suppose :)
i feel so giddy just thinking about him. its crazy because we've been dating for OVER a year and seven months. there are days im just not so jazzed about eli because we fall into the same habits for seeing each other. i make dinner. we watch tv. i give him massage. he rubs my feet. end scene.
but then there are days im just so overwhelmed with how much i care about him. actually this feels more like a diary that im writing in...i just noticed im not using caps or apostrophes.
am i allowed to just say whatever i want on this? there's SO much i'd love to just dive into and discuss...and even vent about but im not sure who's reading this and im not sure who all i'd offend. it's nothing crazy bad, but im a little peeved about something. i love my boyfriend, and because i love him, im a little protective of flirty girls. it makes me uncomfortable and i'd prefer for there not to be certain lines crossed. ordinarily, they're not because eli's the best and not a very flirty person as is...but i feel like some girls are just so....i dont even know the word to describe it. i think im better off just stopping there.
you know the saying, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"? i think thats so true. or half true. i think people think they have good intentions but impure motivations. i grew up hearing all about the sinful nature of men and i totally believe it. but i think because some people are careless in their words and actions, they don't know that they have impure motives or intentions and it gets them in alot of trouble.
i wrote a poem this week to be workshopped...and its about zombies. i knowwww it's so crazy weird. i hate zombie movies, they leave me confused and hollow. but i think the poem is good because its about a crazy person more than zombies.
i don't have any real pressing homework tonight so i didn't even blog because i was procrastinating---yay me!
that's all for now i suppose :)
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