I'm such a bad person; I hate hate hate doing homework. Maybe I wouldn't mind if my teachers weren't so annoying about it. My English professor actually giggles when she see's the look on our faces after she assigns a ridiculous amount of homework for over the weekend. She's really weird. Whatev-14 days left of actual classes...then I'll have 2 days of finals. OH and I'm going to Passion Play April 25th...the dinner theater. Me and Katie are sharing a table and we're bringing friends from here. Eli has his own table and is also bringing friends from here...I can't wait for that weekend, it shall be FUN :)
I'm trying to figure out classes I want to take for Fall 2008 and I'm gonna be straight up pissed if I don't get them! hahaha Seriously though. I hate these 9am classes, they're killing me. I also hate my 3:30-4:45 classes. That's so late in the afternoon---my attention span is shot by that time. I dont know, hopefully it will all work out the way I planned, if not...there's not much of anything I can do. Ryan and I are trying to take French 1 together which would be amazingly entertaining...
Hm, I really miss my family. I talked to my mom for a while on the phone today and she said that my sisters were talking about some of the things I used to make them do when we were little...haha, I must say I was quite the little dictator ;) They totally miss me though haha, I miss joking around with them about how silly our parents can be sometimes. Not joking in a disrespectful way, we just think certain things are funny. Okay well that's all, I better get back to writing that immigration paper.
"time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted"
-John Lennon
i just realized when you commented on my blog that i had not commenter on yours!
i am lovingggg picking out classes for fall. =] idk y im a huge dork apparently.
but i am glad you are enjoying your large college experience. =]
i miss and love you wifeyyyy!!
YAY! youre coming to passion play! thats soo exciting :) i cant wait to see you pretty girl! passion play is not quite the same with out you 4 (you kayla katie and eli)...in the name of the Lord is wayy weird withouy eli...herod seen looks white..all white (minus heyward) and i bow my knee without katie..and kayla...well..its alot quieter...anyway! i cant wait to see you! :) love you very much and you are in my prayers!
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