It feels great to be back too. Classes are awesome. Roomie is the bestest everrrr and my other roomies next door are amazing too! Eli is good too...he took me out for our 2 month to an all you can eat brazilian steak house. AJLKSDFJKLADSF! SOOO much food. and alot of fun :)
Uhm. I thought I was in the mood to journal but I'm not all of a sudden. Sooo peace out.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
One Month
It's been exactly one month since me and Eli started dating...and I just realized that I haven't posted a blog since before me and Eli were even together so for those who actually read this, surprise! haha :) This summer has been one of the best I've ever had. I never follow through with goals I set for myself usually and I have accomplished 4 1/2 of my 5 summer goals!!! If you scroll down you'll see where I posted them a few months ago.
1. Get a job and make money [check!]
-I work at Beachtowne USA on A1A and yeah it's pretty straight but this experience made me realize how thankful I need to be for my college education. I do NOT want to work retail the rest of my life...
2. Lose 15-20 pounds [check!]
-I started the diet called Isagenix a week before I went on that cruise in June and I have currently lost 16 pounds!!!!!!! I feel awesome and I still want to keep losing weight, I'll probably stop after I lose about 25 pounds.
3. Spend time with people I love [check!]
-After my Uncle Johnny died I realized how I regreted not getting to know him as well as I would have liked. This summer, working 4 nights a week and all, I don't get to do much else but spend time with my family and closest friends. I miss people from school soooo much. Ryan, Liz, Pastor Joiner to name a few...there are LOTS more, believe me!!! And I hate not getting to see Katie as much but we're gonna be roomies in just a few more weeks :) Now I'm dating Eli and I love him so much, he has been such a dear friend to me for a long time and now we've fallen in love and are trying to grow together and be a constant encouragement to one another. <3
4. Get a nice tan [check!]
-Hello. doesn't take me long to accomplish that one hahaha but I just spent the entire week at a beach condo my family has time-share at. I got to spend time with out of state family members and of course my crazy adorable grandparents. The fam. met Eli and loved him so I can't ask for more haha.
5. Read 3 books [---]
-So I've only read one of the three books I hope to read this summer, and I still have a little less than a month to accomplish it! I read "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie; it's a murder mystery and of course it was very entertaining. Right now I'm reading "Wicked" which is basically the story of Wizard of Oz but from the witch's point of view. It's actually a slow book right now, I hope it gets more interesting. I'm only on page like 60 though. And lastly I hope to read Picture of Dorian Gray (sp?). Ryan lent it to me for the summer and said it's one of his favorites so I know it has to be good.
sooooooo that's pretty much it. I move back to Tampa August 20th and it's only getting harder for me to be content here for the last few weeks I'm home. Alright, until next time :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Today is a gooood day
Thursday, May 29, 2008
& I let him call me baby, I don't even know his last name!
I hate country music for the most part, but I LOVE Carrie Underwood. She's so cute and I actually like her voice and her music. Ahhh yes. Well I have no job, still...and things aren't looking up at all surprise surprise...whatever. I just hate how businesses say they'll call back and never do--good job, real professional ;)
I feel bad complaining though because it's not like I'm in dire need of a job. I feel bad for familes who don't have alot and the bread-winners of their family are getting laid off...it's real sad. I would love to move out of the states, honestly. I'm sick of the sucky economy and the ungrateful rich people. I would love to go somewhere else and live there instead. Maybe not permanently, I should go on a longer termed mission trip because I only got to be in Mexico for a week. SUCH a short amount of time, but it showed me that I have a passion for missions and I enjoyed that culture so much and I really do miss the people I met. I still get to talk to Lizbeth every now and then through email although it's been about 2 weeks since her last email.
What else....I watched "There Will Be Blood" yesterday and though Jon and Eli loved it, I did not. I wish I enjoyed it as much as they did I just...I don't know...it was very odd and I felt like there was no purpose. They explained after the movie the theme they got from the film and I hate it when I can't understand movies, I LOVE movies and tend to already read too much into themes and whatnot and I think it's a bit much if I don't even get the purpose of something. Maybe I'm just not as smart and philosophical. A movie I would like to watch again is "No Country For Old Men". AWESOME. It was so intense and though it's a movie you have to really pay close attention to the dialogue and stuff, it makes alot of sense and I enjoyed it.
I guess I have nothing else to talk about...goodnight!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
All We Are
"I walked a minute in your shoes, they never would've fit
I figured there's nothing to lose
I need to get some perspective on these words before I write them down
You're an island and my ship has run aground
Lord knows I'll fail you time and again, But you and me we're alright"
~ All We Are, One Republic
I really love that song! I'm pretty sure I listen to it every time I drive somewhere. I absolutely love having my ipod and I love that I can play it in my car. Before I had it, I had to carry my CD's around everywhere and that's just a pain. Ohhhh technology...
Anyway, about the song I just quoted; it's by the same band who sings Apologize (another fav), and it seriously never gets old. They have a great sound and the lyrics are so relatable and poetic. Maybe it's just me...because there's not one thing on this earth that everybody will agree upon. Isn't that a crazy thought? People are so...weird! But yes, I think I talk alot. I know I do...and I can be loud sometimes. It's so hard for me to understand those who would rather be alone. I can't imagine having the desire to be a loner. Don't get me wrong, being alone is nice from time to time; normally though, I like being around someone. Okay it's 3:35am and I'm officially a loser :( I can't get a job so I need to find something to pass my entire summer days with. hahaha Wish me luck!
love love love
okay, bye.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Lazy Days
I really can't express how lazy I feel lately. I'm trying to get a job and NOBODY in Ormond Beach/ Daytona is hiring. It really sucks. SO while I'm unemployed I'm also dealing with recovery from my surgery (removal of my wisdom teeth). I had all four of them out and now I still have deep holes in the back of my mouth. I feel the stitches on the top of my mouth but the holes on the bottom are wide open so all of this food keeps getting stuck in there and last week I ended up with dry sockets because I couldn't keep the blood clot in the socket. Gross, I know. So I had to go back to the doctors and they packed the sockets with gauze (sp?) and I get it taken out tomorrow. I just want to heal up :( I'm tired of popping pills because of it being sore. I wish I could run or go roller blading but while I'm healing I'm not supposed to be doing strenuous activities right now. It's been nice relaxing for the past few weeks though, I can't really complain.
Right now I'm watching Million Dollar Baby...SUCH a great movie!! It's so sad though...I hate that stupid girl with the gay braids who cheats and knocks Hilary Swank out...ends up freaking paralyzing her. That's so terrible. As sad as this story is, it does remind me of that one episode of The Office hahahha the grief counseling one when Michael demands that everybody talks about someone who died and Pam describes Million Dollar Baby and Michael doesn't catch on. Love it :)
So none of my goals for summer are really happening and it sucks.
The job thing doesn't look promising so...whatev.
I have yet to go to the beach or lay out in my yard, maybe I'll do that sometime this week.
I'm not reading any books yet, no excuse, I just haven't done it.
I haven't lost weight, but I haven't been able to do hardcore workout like I want to yet so that is still looking good.
And though I've been with my family and I do love them, there are other people that I love who I'm not getting to see much of. Eli used to be over here all the time but for the past couple of days he's kind of been MIA...well not really. And Katie works all the time and whenever she's not working she's tired :( But she and I got to catch up today at lunch so that was good. I get to see my Uncle Johnny tomorrow in the hospital. It's gonna be the last time I ever get to see him so I'm trying to prepare myself. There is absolutely nothing the doctors can do now except give him anxiety meds to calm him down because his lungs are failing him and not even the oxygen machines are restoring his ability to breathe. He's basically sufficating. I hate that he's in so much pain and he's dying such a slow death. I'm just so thankful that he has something to look forward to which is Jesus.
I guess that's it. bye!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Yep, I'm 19 years old now. Gosh that's such a long time to live...but not really when I sit back and think about all that I have yet to accomplish. The next 19 years are probably going to fly by even faster although I don't understand how that's possible! I had the best youth...I mean, come on, we all have those bad memories of punishments, bad hair-do's (or should I say don'ts) and those awkward middle school friendships. It's all such a blurr but certain memories are perfectly pictured in my mind. I would never go back though. Maybe for a day just laugh at how complicated I thought my life was then compared to now. I'm excited about the future. I made it through my first year of college. 18 and moving out, though is normal, seems abnormal. I look at how much I've changed this past year and I can't believe how immature I was about certain things when I moved out of my house and into BETA HALL at USF. hahaha. I encourage everyone to GET OUT of their home-town and experience a little of what life is like outside of your comfort zone.
I have some goals for this summer, I think they are perfectly attainable:
1. Read 3 books
2. Get a tan
3. Get a job and make money
4. Lose about 15-20 lbs.
5. Spend time with people who mean the most to me.
All right, that's all I have to say. goodnight!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I'm Done
I feel AMAZING! I took my last two finals today and I am officially done with my freshman year of college. I don't think I did too well on my math final which sucks because if I don't get a 50% or better on the final I get a D in the class which means I have to take the course again. I HATE MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGHHHH. But whatever. I had a blast tonight; me, Ryan, Katie and Kayla went to Zaxby's after me and Katie's dad's came and got some of our stuff that we're moving out. We also went to the grave for one last time tonight to see our friend Szilard Farkas...inside joke. But yeah...hm. What else...I move out tomorrow and I'm pumped to go back home. I have to get a job but I have no clue where I'm going to work. Sharayah wants me to work at Volcano's with her and I think that would be awesome. I hope I can work there. :) I should probably go to bed soon because I have to wake up early so I can move the last of my belongings out of Beta 2 West room 202. Kind of sad but I'm SO over being sick (I've been sick for most of the semester) and I'm so over random people playing their music too loud at 2am on a night when I have a 9am class. It sucks. I also can't wait to live in Cypress next fall. EVERYBODY is going to be in there except for 2 of my 3 closest friends, Ryan and Eli. Why are they so gay? haha Just kidding...
Well, my next blog will not be written from my dorm room...WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD...
I also have a goal for this blog. I originially said that I was just writing for my own sake; which that is not changing, but through this I would like to become a better writer. Okay Okay, it sounds a little cliche' but whatev.
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Seriously, I can't wait to go back home for awhile. Going home last night for Passion Play was amazing...everybody came over and met my friends from USF and it was such a great time. Plus now Ryan and Eli are still in Ormond which makes me sad because I'm so used to hanging out with them every night. Ughhh what am I going to do this summer without them and Katie every day?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Last Week of School
Hey! It's the last week of school and while I was up until 3am last night trying to finish a final paper for my Science and Society class...I don't feel like stressing and working on the two papers due tomorrow. I'm such a great procrastinator. :) As of right now I am watching The Office in my dorm room with Ryan, Katie and Kayla...although I just looked up at her and she's passed out in her bed. Silly Kayla. haha I'm watching the one when Carol breaks up with Michael and he goes to the Japanese Steak House and Dwight tries desperately to hear what Andy and Michael are talking about. I'm so glad they are airing that show again...it makes me so happy.
Oh...exciting news! I got an 85% on my math test!!!!! Eli helped me study for it for like 3 weeks every Monday and Wednesday night. It paid off aparently. The thing I think I am most looking forward to when I go home is the food...I'm sick...SICK of Argos and Andros. Cafeteria food sucks. I'm also looking forward to seeing my family for more than 2 days at a time.
Anyways...still watching The Office, so I'm gonna go. BYE :)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
So I'm just chillin here in my dorm room...waiting to go eat. Ryan wanted to eat at 12 but since I have amazing friends named Erica and Jessica Teich who come and visit meeeeeeee, I pushed to eat at 12:30. We compromised for 12:20 though...so this means I have 2o minutes to sit here and do whatever I want since the girls just left. I choose to blog because I feel like it's kind of a diary; I like it. So last night we went to Busch Gardens and after that we went to chilis...GOSH I LOVE CHILIS....I'm a little depressed that my left-overs are gone from there. I now have to settle for crusty cafeteria food. I totally don't want a mealplan next year. Around 2am Eli came over and taught me how to skateboard. I really wish I could!!! Hmmm...I don't know how it's going to work out. I should just keep practicing. I'm NOT good at crazy sports though. I tried surfing and SUCKED. So I doubt skateboarding will be something I'm good at.
I don't really have anything else to talk about except that I probably won't post another video on here unless it's a special occaision or something. I can't wait for school to be OVER. I want to go home. OH MY GOSH! I'm going on a cruise to the Bahamas this summer with my family; we leave June 12th...I'm SO SO SO SO SO excited! :D I've never been on one before...
okay so that's about it. BYE
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Okay Okay, so I'm a bit addicted to this blogging thing now. It reminds me alot of when I had a livejournal. I was crazy on that thing. Sometimes I would post more than once a day. HAH The funnier part is that people actually read through what I said and would comment...so does anybody read this? Comment if you do and I'll be sure to give you a shout out next time ;)
I have a praise to make. My great uncle Johnny has had heart problems for a long time now; he's had triple bypass (sp?) surgery and all this crazy stuff done and he hasn't died yet! It's kind of a medical wonder that he's as sick as he is and he's still truckin' along...well yesterday his lung collapsed and with his bad heart it's really really bad :( I was really upset, I just kind of sat in my dorm room for a while and sobbed when my mom told me...I felt bad too because it might have made that awkward for Katie and Kayla who didn't really know how to react. Well I was sitting in Argos (our crusty cafeteria on campus) with Ryan and Eli (and this kid John who I don't really know) and my mom called me and put Uncle Johnny on the phone! IT WAS SO COOL talking to him because my mom when I first talked to her earlier yesterday she said it really wasn't looking good. Uncle Johnny, to my understanding from his testimony, from what he has said to me, and what he has told my mom he's a believer; and its amazing to see him go into all of these crazy circumstances not fearing death because he's ready to see Jesus. I love him so much and it upsets me to think of ANYBODY dying, but to hear that he's ready to go and he has NO fear in death....man. How awesome is that? He's going to be in ICU for 2 days but I really want to see him at least one more time before he dies because...I don't know...I just would just so I can give him one more hug, you know?
All right I suppose that's all. Seriously though, thanks for reading this (if anybody out there does).
Monday, April 14, 2008
It's really unfortunate
It's unfortunate because I never wake up earlier than I have to. This morning I have class at 9:30 then a class right behind it at 11am. So if I don't shower the night before I will wake up and shower. I hate going to class with dirty hair. Well, I wake up at 8:35 and I get ready for a shower...and they were all filled. This has NEVER happened to me. Normally the girls on my hall are very well coordinated as to when they take showers, it never henders others from taking one...well, I stood there for a minute or two and realized they hadn't been there long so there was no way I was going to get a shower before my class. I am now wearing clothes (in which I feel exeedingly nasty) and my greasy hair is pulled up in a pony tail with one of those head bands to keep the crusty baby pieces from sticking straight up. Hopefully I won't see anybody I care about seeing me on my way to and from class.
(It's 9:02 now and this is already a great start to my day).
I'm also sick again. I have to go make an appointment with the clinic...which is aggrivating because...well I hate being sick and I was sick for 6 weeks about a month ago. My immune system sucks lately...hah. Well hopefully today won't be so bad and crusty. I have nothing else to talk about and I don't have to leave for class yet so I suppose I'll just end this and check facebook AGAIN. haha. I'm addicted I guess :)
(It's 9:02 now and this is already a great start to my day).
I'm also sick again. I have to go make an appointment with the clinic...which is aggrivating because...well I hate being sick and I was sick for 6 weeks about a month ago. My immune system sucks lately...hah. Well hopefully today won't be so bad and crusty. I have nothing else to talk about and I don't have to leave for class yet so I suppose I'll just end this and check facebook AGAIN. haha. I'm addicted I guess :)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
"All our young lives we search for someone to love, someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere and somehow there is someone searching for us."
-The Wonder Years
I love this, mainly because it's how I feel (d u h). I know I'm young, and it's not like I'm behind or anything...but I'm tired of waiting! Yes, some have waited MUCH longer than I have, and people have told me that sometimes it's better to not have been in love and then be alone...because you had it once and then you don't anymore...but when you've never had it, I guess I fear that I never will.
I'm thankful that Christ loves us so. It's these moments that I'm having right now that make me check my reality and what is true in my life.
Praise God for blessing me with what I do have in my life. Wonderful and loving parents who provide for me, lovely sisters who are beyond precious...really.
Friends who are there for me...really.
This has been a struggle lately. Moving out of my home, away from my family...it's SO hard to trust people. I thank God for giving me basically 2 people to rely on...really.
Why does God make us intimate beings...and have us designed to be with someone (at least most people who aren't called to singleness) but then there are so many people who you can't trust? That's just how I feel...I dont know...really.
all right this is boring now, sorry haha!
love. bye.
Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm such a bad person; I hate hate hate doing homework. Maybe I wouldn't mind if my teachers weren't so annoying about it. My English professor actually giggles when she see's the look on our faces after she assigns a ridiculous amount of homework for over the weekend. She's really weird. Whatev-14 days left of actual classes...then I'll have 2 days of finals. OH and I'm going to Passion Play April 25th...the dinner theater. Me and Katie are sharing a table and we're bringing friends from here. Eli has his own table and is also bringing friends from here...I can't wait for that weekend, it shall be FUN :)
I'm trying to figure out classes I want to take for Fall 2008 and I'm gonna be straight up pissed if I don't get them! hahaha Seriously though. I hate these 9am classes, they're killing me. I also hate my 3:30-4:45 classes. That's so late in the afternoon---my attention span is shot by that time. I dont know, hopefully it will all work out the way I planned, if not...there's not much of anything I can do. Ryan and I are trying to take French 1 together which would be amazingly entertaining...
Hm, I really miss my family. I talked to my mom for a while on the phone today and she said that my sisters were talking about some of the things I used to make them do when we were little...haha, I must say I was quite the little dictator ;) They totally miss me though haha, I miss joking around with them about how silly our parents can be sometimes. Not joking in a disrespectful way, we just think certain things are funny. Okay well that's all, I better get back to writing that immigration paper.
"time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted"
-John Lennon
Friday, March 21, 2008

So this post is a heck of a lot happier than the last...and I have no clue how this is not going to turn into a huge novel! Spring Break was amazing! I went to Mexico City, Mexico for a missions trip with RUF and absolutely loved it. I wish I could have stayed for about a month longer! The people were so genuine and humble...and FUN! haha The christians we got to work with were so precious and the fellowship was certainly sweet. It was remarkable to see how God is the same God no matter where you go and He is always loving on His people, sustaining them. He has made Himself known and the people there have such a heart for Him. The people who took us under their wing for the week were Peter and Ruth. Peter is a missionary there and Ruth is kind of his intern...they are so cool, and so encouraging. God has blessed their ministry greatly, so please, if any of you reading this remember, pray for the missionaries in Mexico!!! Even the people who weren't christians there were so sweet and REAL! They genuinely were excited to hear about the Lord and wanted to know more. SO COOL. I'd love to go back and do long-term stuff there. It really makes me want to go to other places in the world too...anyways. So Mexico rocks and being back here in Tampa is kind of rough. It's cool to see everybody but the actual classes part sucks haha. I'm struggling in math :( It's so hard for me, but Eli is being the great friend that he is and is helping me through it. YAY ELI!!!
I'm just in such a great mood. A little tired, but so...happy. and THANKFUL. because for a long time I missed somebody very important to me, and now everything has been worked out because of our obedience. I missed my friend and we're still able to be close. Hmmmm so yes. That's about it, HAPPY EARLY EASTER!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Depressing Post...Sorry....
Seriously, I'm very very angry. I leave for Mexico in 2 days, which I'm so excited about, but I've had this freaking cold for a month! First of all, I'm convinced that I wouldn't have gotten sick if the people around me actually took care of their bodies and took medicine when they were supposed to or went to bed at a normal hour. I've been getting enough sleep and all...taking medicine...gosh I'm just so...ajslkfaklsdfalsfjlkasf. This is just me venting. I've not had a very good day today. It's Tuesday which means I have class at 9...which is very early for me. AND it's math so that sucks even more. I had to go to English....yeah whatever, I used to love English but the teacher I have makes it miserable. She's so picky; if my paper isn't how SHE would write it, it's wrong and a bad paper/poorly written. I've never struggled in writing either so this is just overwhelming. Then I had a conference with my Narration and Description teacher to discuss the short story I wrote, once again, really picky. I got a B on it. I'm sorry, how do you get a B on a short story? Today is just not good. THEN I went to the clinic, because last time I went I got nothing accomplished except a needle in my arm for them to tell me I don't have strep throat...and I paid them to tell me that. Bogus. Anyway, so I wait for like 30 minutes and I get back there for them to tell me the Nurse Practitioner who examined me last time isn't here...therefore I have to make an appointment for tomorrow and OH YEAH she might want you to get blood work again. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHG.
Also I'm struggling with other internal issues that have been nothing but magnified today...well, and yesterday too but whatever.
If you read that, please pray for me. Sorry I didn't have a funny story :(
Also I'm struggling with other internal issues that have been nothing but magnified today...well, and yesterday too but whatever.
If you read that, please pray for me. Sorry I didn't have a funny story :(
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
YAY...my first blog.
Yeah, too bad I really have no idea what to write yet. We'll see...the only reason I even thought to make one of these is because in my Mass Communications & Society textbook...there's a chapter on internet and blogging...and there was a picture of blogger.com and I thought, "hey, this could be kind of fun I suppose". :)
This is probably where I'm going to post my random thoughts and funny stories. But not for any of you...just for me to read later on because I enjoy my sense of humor haha, but you can read if you want. I don't care, really.
OKAY, bye.
oh man, but ps. GERALD! hahahahahahahaha
like I said, just for me :) and if you're Ryan, Katie or Eli.
This is probably where I'm going to post my random thoughts and funny stories. But not for any of you...just for me to read later on because I enjoy my sense of humor haha, but you can read if you want. I don't care, really.
OKAY, bye.
oh man, but ps. GERALD! hahahahahahahaha
like I said, just for me :) and if you're Ryan, Katie or Eli.
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