Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Not Guilty?

People are blowing up about the Casey Anthony trial and reasonably so. I just had to write about it because I'm stunned. I'm not dissing the system but I think the 12 jurors are idiots. I hate how there's nothing we can do now. Casey can come out tonight to the nation and tell us all how she murdered her daughter and she won't be punished for it...at least by the law. I hope she lives a long and miserable life.

Also, it's super annoying how hours after people freaking out about it, there are those who are wanting to play devil's advocate and play the hate is murder card. Come on. You had the same exact reaction. Your first thought when all of this happened was not, "oh, I have a really wicked heart. Let me examine myself," it was, "what the hell ????" People think that because they have a facebook and a few hundred friends that can see their posts on their minifeed that they have to say something against the grain. I'm sorry, but pissing into the wind is not a good idea.

Aside from all this Casey drama, I'm looking forward to my family vacation in a few weeks. I'm also looking forward to eventually finding a job. Summer is going to pass and the longer I'm without a job, the worse I look. I am volunteering at Embraced by Grace though and I think writing grants for them is something I could be really good at.

I'm done for now, I should clean my room or something.

xo rachel

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