- I changed my major to English-Creative Writing.
Can you believe it? I am not sure what I want to do with that, but teaching is always a possibility.
- I hope to minor in French (I'm in French II right now).
- I see that Eli is more patient with me than anyone else outside of my family
- I realize that Love is an action that people work hard to express.
- I know where I'm living next year...off campus, in Collegiate Hall. I'm pumped.
- Jamie is for sure my roomie, and hopefully Katie will be able to stay too :(
- I gained some weight back from Isagenix over the holidays, but I'm workin' hard to get it all back off.
I have class in about 30 minutes or so...it's called Death and Dying. Eli's in the class with me actually haha, it sucks. It's wayyy boring and kind of useless. It's supposed to be a social science credit (its one of my last gen. eds in college wooohooo).
It's also raining outside. I'm praying that it stops long enough for me to get to class for an hour and fifteen minutes then can continue once I make it safetly and dryly back to my dorm.
I'm cooking Eli dinner tonight so that should be fun. I have a few surprises in store from him...haha.
Anyways, I guess that's it.
BYE :)