Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One Month

It's been exactly one month since me and Eli started dating...and I just realized that I haven't posted a blog since before me and Eli were even together so for those who actually read this, surprise! haha :) This summer has been one of the best I've ever had. I never follow through with goals I set for myself usually and I have accomplished 4 1/2 of my 5 summer goals!!! If you scroll down you'll see where I posted them a few months ago.
1. Get a job and make money [check!]
-I work at Beachtowne USA on A1A and yeah it's pretty straight but this experience made me realize how thankful I need to be for my college education. I do NOT want to work retail the rest of my life...
2. Lose 15-20 pounds [check!]
-I started the diet called Isagenix a week before I went on that cruise in June and I have currently lost 16 pounds!!!!!!! I feel awesome and I still want to keep losing weight, I'll probably stop after I lose about 25 pounds.
3. Spend time with people I love [check!]
-After my Uncle Johnny died I realized how I regreted not getting to know him as well as I would have liked. This summer, working 4 nights a week and all, I don't get to do much else but spend time with my family and closest friends. I miss people from school soooo much. Ryan, Liz, Pastor Joiner to name a few...there are LOTS more, believe me!!! And I hate not getting to see Katie as much but we're gonna be roomies in just a few more weeks :) Now I'm dating Eli and I love him so much, he has been such a dear friend to me for a long time and now we've fallen in love and are trying to grow together and be a constant encouragement to one another. <3
4. Get a nice tan [check!]
-Hello. doesn't take me long to accomplish that one hahaha but I just spent the entire week at a beach condo my family has time-share at. I got to spend time with out of state family members and of course my crazy adorable grandparents. The fam. met Eli and loved him so I can't ask for more haha.
5. Read 3 books [---]
-So I've only read one of the three books I hope to read this summer, and I still have a little less than a month to accomplish it! I read "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie; it's a murder mystery and of course it was very entertaining. Right now I'm reading "Wicked" which is basically the story of Wizard of Oz but from the witch's point of view. It's actually a slow book right now, I hope it gets more interesting. I'm only on page like 60 though. And lastly I hope to read Picture of Dorian Gray (sp?). Ryan lent it to me for the summer and said it's one of his favorites so I know it has to be good.
sooooooo that's pretty much it. I move back to Tampa August 20th and it's only getting harder for me to be content here for the last few weeks I'm home. Alright, until next time :)